How do I know if my runny nose and congestion is a cold/infection or allergy?
It can be hard to tell, however, if you have persistent fever with mucous production that looks like pus, then this may be infection. If you have recurrent or persistent symptoms of itchy/watery eyes, itchy/runny nose, postnasal drip and congestion then you need allergy testing.
My allergy symptoms are making me absolutely miserable! Can you really decrease or eliminate these symptoms?
We plan to do our best to! Our goal is to see what you are allergic to by testing you and if positive for allergies discuss ways to control your allergies with less medications when possible.
What if I don’t want to get rid of my pet?
You shouldn’t have to! We would prefer to help you decrease your symptoms around your pets so you can enjoy being around them.
I have a lot of sinus infections. Should I see an allergist?
Seeing an allergist for recurring sinus infections is an ideal start to see if allergies are triggering this and to see if your immune system is normal. Then, if testing is negative, ENT may be recommended to rule out other causes such as anatomical causes.
I sometimes use an inhaler because of my allergies – should I be seen?
Yes, it could be allergy-induced asthma. We can help decrease inhaler use by controlling allergies.
What is a food allergy/intolerance/sensitivity?
Most food allergy symptoms are typically soon after ingestion with the patient developing a rash similar to hives, swelling, difficulty breathing and vomiting, etc. However, food intolerances/sensitivities tend to manifest with mainly stomach symptoms, sometimes accompanied with headaches and fatigue.
Can you test for food intolerances/sensitivities/gluten intolerance?
Unfortunately, at this time there is no reliable testing for food intolerances/sensitivities available. We do not do testing for celiac disease. There is no testing for preservatives that may be used in foods either.
I only have stomach symptoms with food. Should I see allergy or gastroenterology (GI) or my primary doctor?
I would start with your primary care doctor to see if a GI referral is needed prior to seeing an allergist.
When do I need to see a doctor for my hives?
Typically, you should see a doctor for hives lasting longer than six weeks or severe hives that are poorly controlled despite medication.
How often can you find a cause for my hives?
The actual cause of hives is difficult to find, but we can do an appropriate evaluation of the hives and help to control them with medications.
I have a rash: do I need an allergist or a dermatologist?
If you have rash that is not responsive to antihistamines (Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra, Benadryl), you may benefit from seeing dermatology prior to an allergy visit.
Should I be tested for alpha-gal?
If you do not experience anaphylaxis or hives/swelling 4-6 hours after consuming mammalian meat or have recurrent episodes of unexplained anaphylaxis, then there is no need for alpha-gal IgE testing. Chronic isolated gastrointestinal symptoms are not a feature of the alpha-gal syndrome. Many of these patients do improve with mammalian meat avoidance, suggesting a possible malabsorption issue, not an allergic issue. A recent tick bite is also not a reason to test for alpha-gal if there are no symptoms as noted above.
Please note that studies have shown that up to 30-40% of residents of Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma have evidence of IgE antibodies to galactose-alpha-1,3- galactose (alpha-gal). However, over 90% of patients with evidence of alpha-gal specific IgE (a “positive” test) tolerate mammalian meat without any allergic symptoms. This means alpha-gal has a high false positive rate, so a positive lab result is not always clinically significant.